for example? This iconic Fendi baguette style in miniature mini charms comes with a signature gold-tone link Versace strap (note the Fendi logo in the center). The safety pin detail is the iconic Versace, and the clasp is Fendi's bold flash. For true fashion enthusiasts, this is a match made in heaven.
The farmers market season is just around the corner. It's a simple pleasure to wake up early on a Saturday morning and stroll through the stalls offering fresh eggs and freshly picked tomatoes. But you probably don't want to shop for old wholesale replica handbags outside the house. The best market bags are designed to be large enough to fit your essentials, yet add a trendy touch to your look. It could stand out more with a graphic signature bag like Dior or Prada, or something more subtle like a Paris-inspired raffia tote.
Fendi's Versace Fendice Nano Baguette Charm, $1,100, Strap You Strap ($850), both from Fendi luxury lv handbagsPhoto: Troy Studio, Props Stylist: Miko Kato